You pointed out something that the Lord has been highlighting to me recently — not letting the (bad) attitudes and (sour) moods of others affect my own attitude and mood, or ruin my day. I have been waiting quite a long time for babies and children. There have been many things that God has addressed in my heart and in my behaviors that I am so very grateful He addressed now, before kids enter the picture. I had never considered this current dealing in the context of motherhood until your post! I am thankful for His faithfulness and ability to waste nothing!

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Lacey, thank you for sharing! I think it's beautiful how we can learn similar things in different ways and yet they can still spread over to all of our lives.

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Great writing! I resonate with so much of this

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Thank you, Lisa!

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I love this so much! I am currently a mama to our four year old and am pregnant with our second baby. This is such an encouragement to my heart as I’ve been trying to navigate the opinions, emotions, and attitudes of my child while also dealing with my own discomforts that have come with this pregnancy. I want to enjoy and find the beauty in this season, but that has felt more difficult recently. I’m so grateful, and it’s also been a challenging few weeks. Chasing tiny delights and not letting kids being kids ruin my day are two encouragements I want to let really sink in. The tension of recognizing and holding good and bad/difficult moments is certainly challenging, but they do both exist. Thank you for sharing. ❤️

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Erika, it is a tension and it is challenging! I'm sure you are already doing a wonderful job. It is so kind of God to gently reveal areas where He wants to transform us; He does not leave us in our messy places. I stopped and prayed for you and your family!

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Thank you for sharing this. I’ve been struggling lately with so many things around motherhood and my own attitude, and reading this was a reminder to return from the orbit of the sun where I have been spending much of my time to something a little calmer and more reasonable. I always appreciate the earthy practicality and depth of your writing - thank you!

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