Thank you, Lisa!

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You're welcome, Lore! I finished your book last night and it was so good. I now want to visit the Adirondacks!

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Really loved this today, Lisa.

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Thank you, Katie!

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Oh this is good. "I don't have to be the Holy Spirit for everyone. I can trust God to do that work." coupled with adding nuance and complexity to conversations AND being local (and confident in all those things!)... they all go together. The internet encourages blanket solutions, but that's not what's needed. Being where God has put you and speaking out with what He's equipped you with naturally leads to these four traits, I think. I'm going to keep thinking on this.

Also - my family is German and all of Laura's videos are SO spot on. My dad and I quote them constantly. (and the cat drawing is adorable!!)

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They all seemed to go together in my mind as well. I also think the internet encourages blanket solutions and we so rarely need those. I appreciate your feedback here.

Also, hilarious that the videos are so spot on. That's probably what makes them so good!

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