So happy for you and loved reading this reflection. Fuller is my top school choice if I ever end up doing graduate work in theology.

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Thanks, Tabitha! And it is a great school; I hope you get there one day!

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Congrats on graduating! Watching you step into seminary is part of what nudged me toward my own theology-adjaceny MA. I'll be done in two more years!

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Ashley, thanks! And that makes me so happy to hear! You are doing the work and it's going to bear so much fruit in your life (and other people's lives).

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Thank you, Laura!

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Congratulations! I think I started following along right about the time you began seminary and it’s so special to see where you are now.

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Carli, that is so sweet! Thank you!

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Congratulations on your graduation 🎉. I truly loved how you talk about travel expands you! Many years I travel and I did not see it then, but when you wrote this, I now see it. My years of traveling in business did expand me!! It was a foundational work in my business career in a way only God could have orchestrated.

That was over 30 years ago, and just by the light of your words, the Spirit breathed on those memories and made me smile, pause, and give Him praise. Thank you.👋

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Jane, I love hearing that this is true for you and travel. Part of why I write is to bear witness to what is happening within us. Thank you for taking the time to comment!

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Congrats on your graduation! Reading your seminary stories has ignited a longing for it but I know that's not possible for me in this season of my life.

"Seminary taught me to appreciate my place and perspective, but also to grow beyond it". I love the idea of "naming my place". I have felt a lot of shame around naming my place especially in my online interactions.

It feels good to freely say, "I am a Black Nigerian person", or should I say, "A Black Igbo person". 😁

Thank you so much for your words!

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Thank you for naming your place here, Kechi! I hope you continue to feel freer and freer to name your place, know God grew you in that context on purpose, and that you are a gift and other people need you! And maybe in another season, seminary will be for you. Who knows?

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Congratulations, Lisa!!

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Thank you, Lindsey!

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I’m late to the game in reading your post, but aghhh!! Congratulations!! 🎉 Loved the photos and reading your reflections on such a formative season!

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Kensi, thank you! It was an amazing weekend!

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