I loved reading your thoughts on this! I read The Personal Librarian last year and had many of the same reflections. And I added a few titles to my TBR list from your mentions!

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I love this. Fiction has always been my best friend. As an autistic person, reading fiction allowed me to learn about people without the stress of social interactions. It was also my escape from a confusing and overwhelming world. It still is all of these things for me.

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Thanks for taking the time to share what you're reading with us (and photos of your book shelves!)

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I feel exactly the same way. I can fly through fiction. Novels are friends.

Nonfiction, on the other hand, takes me much longer. I can only read a chapter or two at a time before needing a break. I didn't even get into reading nonfiction outside of school until last year, when I decided to read 100 books by New Year's Eve.

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