I’ve never heard of Macrina the Younger, so thanks for sharing what you’re learning through reading and church history.

She reminds me of my late grandmother, whom I hold responsible for my faith and my earliest understanding of Scripture. Despite her lack of education, she systemically studied Scripture and served in leadership at church.

My former senior pastor just preached her funeral a few months ago. Hilariously, he talked about her facial expressions. He said that most of the time, she looked at him as proud as his own mother (he was still in his 20s when he became our senior pastor) but if he had misquoted Scripture or said something theologically off-base, he always knew because of the puzzled look on her face.

I wonder how many unnamed women through history have kept the men they love on their toes, holding them accountable to high standards, and encouraging them in humility and service when their positions and peers might otherwise tempt them toward power and pride. (Obviously this goes both ways, but I’m speaking historically here.)

Excited for this series!

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Oh I'm so excited for this series! You are a big part of the reason I've pushed and prodded my own understanding of women in ministry, and begun exploring with more intentionality women in the history of the church and what the Bible teaches regarding how women honor Him in the body of Christ with their gifts. I'm so glad you've shared your own thoughts and ideas and wrestling along the way, because it's edified me! In this piece, I love how you've pointed out that we are responsible for our opportunities -- how we respond to the circumstances we face in our culture, context, and ministries is what we're responsible for before the Lord. That's a good word. I'm looking forward to learning more!

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Amen to all of this!! Super encouraging, as due to virality and likes/dislikes online I do often find myself looking to only to knowledge or lessons from those in bigger platforms or higher liked videos and content. But as you have reminded us, we must seek from all ways and walks and looks of life. God can use anyone and Jesus’s life is the biggest example of that!! Desperately looking forward to this series ❤️‍🔥🙏🏾

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