Happy happy anniversary to you both ♥️

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Thank you, Chelsea!

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Agreed. So much better. Happy Anniversary! 15 years is no small accomplishment - and gift.

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Thank you!

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I love this so much. 10 years in and I definitely view us as a partnership. I feel so much that that is more the intent. Happy anniversary!

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Yes, I believe that's also the intent. Glad you're there too! And thank you.

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Word. That’s all I have to say about that. Happy Anniversary. Keep on partner’n.

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Thank you!

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Happy anniversary, Lisa. I hope the dinner was delicious and a great time of celebrating. Really enjoyed reading this perspective from your 15-year vantage point!

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Thanks, Shana. Dinner was delicious!

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Congratulations! It’s nice to see that there are other couples invested in each other’s whole beings not just roles. Perfectly articulated. May God grant y’all have many more years together!

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Yes to whole beings. And thank you so much!

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“Each person fall all over themselves to give the other person their preference.” This hit me right in the heart! Thanks for the amazing advice.

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