I just wanted to say that I really really enjoy the way you write and the topics that you choose to write about! And I’m obsessed with the way you do your footnotes :)

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Thank you for writing this, Lisa. As always, it came at just the right time. Writing on the Internet can feel like talking to a wall. I deeply resonate with the fear that people won't like what I make, either. Just this week, I've been crafting a post basically announcing I need to take a step back (at least temporarily). In part, because I'm tired. I've been doing this weekly for three years, and I need a break. But also because I need a break from publishing and then wondering if I said the wrong things. It's not easy, but I also don't feel ready to walk away completely. I doubt that will ever happen, honestly. I just also don't know how much longer I can continue to write online without more regular breaks if things stay exactly as they are currently. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts here. :-)

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I resonate with this deeply, Lisa. I recently wrote a reflection in this space on the same “out of place-ness” you walk through here, tying my personal experience to Lucy Pevensie in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (at first the cinematic experience, but then Lewises words themselves). She kindled something inside of me that is still being formed. There is something mysterious about finding our place in the transcendence of words...and then growing into that hidden self through our own untangling of words.

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I’d come to your bible study! Though we’d need to find a universal time 😊 🌎

Keep being you (and keep foot-noting). That’s why we’re still here!

Just started reading The Pastor as Minor Poet, on Kindle, following your recommendation. Love it already. I should be working but it’s all good. 😉

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